General Meeting Information
Date: February 10,
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30 Call to Order
A - Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:30-2:35 Roll Call
I/D/A - Maliah Kenoly (Secretary)
2:35-2:40 Public Comments
I/D All 2:40-2:45 Advisor Announcements
I Advisors 2:45-2:46 Short Check-In:
If you could describe your current mood as a food, what would it be? Type it in the chat!
Time: 1 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:46-2:50 Business Item 1
Committee Updates
This item is to provide updates on all committees, with a focus on the progress of intern recruitment.
Time: 4 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:50-2:55 Business Item 2
Budget Request Discussion
This item is to review and discuss budget request procedures, clarify funding policies, and address any concerns from clubs regarding the reimbursement and request process.
Time: 5 min
- Amelia Oo (ICC Chair of Finance)
- Audrey Stanly (ICC Vice Chair of Finance)
2:55-3:00 Business Item 2
ICC Info Session Plan
This item is to finalize the details for the upcoming ICC Info Session, including logistics, promotion strategies, and key topics to cover.
Time: 5 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
3:00-3:05 Business Item 3
2025-2026 ICC Chairperson Traits & Expectations Discussion
This item is to discuss the key traits, responsibilities, and expectations for the 2025-2026 ICC Chairperson, ensuring clarity for potential candidates as the election process begins.
Time: 5 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
3:05-3:25 Business Item 4
New/Reactivated Club Applications
This item is to review new club applications, provide feedback, and decide on approval and next steps.
Time: 20 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:25-3:30 Public Comments
All 3:30 Adjournment
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Roll Call:
Last Name, First Name
Left Early
Jin Huang
DASG Chair of Inter Club Council (ICC)
x (2:25)
Elizabeth Tsai
ICC Chair of Club Affairs
Kaung Lett Yhone
ICC Chair of Equity
Amelia Oo
ICC Chair of Finance
Audrey Stanly
ICC Vice Chair of Finance
x Allison Trinh
ICC Chair of Programs
X Eric Nguyen
ICC Vice Chair of Programs
x Dinara Usonova
ICC Chair of Marketing
x Cecilia Ji
ICC Vice Chair of Marketing
x Interns First Name, Last Name Position Present Late Absent Left Early Online Excused Vincent Shao Intern x Ethan Nguyen Intern x Nam Nguyen Intern x Peter Ramos Intern x Phoo Yamhen Intern x Joyce Intern x x
Public Comments
- None
Advisor Announcements
- Dayna and Maritza made public comments regarding cleaning up the ICC Club Room. Also, office hours need to be submitted to Maritza as soon as possible.
Check In
- All attendees participated in the check in via chat.
Business Item 1
Committee Updates
- All committees provided updates.
Business Item 2
Budget Request Discussion
- Amelia and Audrey opened discussion regarding the budget for the 2025-2026 year.
Business Item 3
ICC Info Session Plan
- Jin presented the item.
Business Item 4
2025-2026 ICC Chairperson Traits & Expectations Discussion
- Jin presented the item.
Business Item 5
New/Reactivated Club Applications
Movie Club
- Kaung motioned to reject the Movie Club.
- Allison seconded the motion, motion passed.
- Rejected because there is a currently active film appreciation club.
Media Club- Elizabeth motioned to table the application for Media Club.
- Audrey seconded the motion, motion passed.
Quantum Club (Reactivation)- Amelia motioned to reactivate the Quantum Club.
- Allison seconded the motion, motion passed.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)- Kaung motioned to approve the club.
- Audrey seconded the motion, motion passed.
Speech Club
- Elizabeth suggested that the club speak on their club presentation.
- Elizabeth motioned to table the speech club.
- Amelia seconded the motion, no objections.
- Elizabeth motioned to extend the meeting by 20 minutes.
Design Club
- Design Club came to attend the meeting to present for 2 min.
- Focus is more on Graphic Design for beginners > UX/UI Design.
- Elizabeth motioned to approve the club on the condition of changing their name to be more specific.
- Audrey seconded the motion, motion passed.
De Anza Brain Computer Interface- Amelia motioned to reject the club based on a similar active club and the description is too short and broad, motion passed.
Inventions and Innovations in History Club
- Elizabeth motioned to table the club.
- Amelia seconded the motion.
Public Comments
- Maritza and Jin made a public comment.
- Jin adjourned the meeting ar 3:52 PM.