General Meeting Information
Date: January 29,
Time: 2 - 3 PM
Location: DASG Lounge
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00 PM Call of Order A - Aura Ozturk
2:00 PM Roll Call A - Aura Ozturk
2:00 PM Approval of Minutes
- January 22, 2025
I/D/A - Aura Ozturk
2:02 PM Public Comments
I - All
2:04 PM Advisor Announcements
I - Advisors
2:04 PM Shared governance Reports
I - Senators
2:05 PM Business Item 1
Finalized Elections Code
This item is to look through the finalized elections code
Time: 10 minutes
I/D/A - All
2:15 PM Business Item 2
Finalized Administration Code
This item is to look through the finalized administration code
Time: 10 minutes
I/D/A - All
2:25 PM Business Item 3:
Internal/Midterm Election Procedure Suggestion
This item is to discuss about the new rubric system about traits that can be implemented into the internal election as well as midterm elections.
Time: 10 minutes
I/D - All
2:35 PM Business Item 4:
DASG bylaws updates
This item is to update the remaining parts of the DASG bylaws that could not get through from bylaws special meeting
Time: 40 minutes
I/D/A - All
3:15 PM Introduction and approval of prospective interns I
- Prospective Interns
3:15 PM Public comments I
- All
3:16 PM Advisor Announcements I
- Advisors
3:17 PM Adjournment A
- Aura Ozturk
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Aura called the meeting to order at 14.01 pm.
Roll Call
- Aura - present
- Wadi - present
Approval of minutes
- Approved by Wadi, seconded by Aura
Public comments
- public comments were made
Advisor announcements
- none
Shared governance reports
- None
Business Item 1:
- Wadi motioned to extend the discussion/action item for 20 more minutes, Aura seconded it
- We added more information and clarification to the internal elections process (Article VI).
- Article VI Executive Officer Election Results- made clearer wording and description of the polling process when a candidate gets disqualified.
- Wadi motioned to approve the final changes to the Elections Code. Aura seconded it.
Time: 28 minutes
Business Item 2:
Reviewed the Administration Code and looked over final changes.
Wadi motioned to approve the final changes to the Administration Code. Aura seconded it.
- time: 7 minutes
Business item 3:
- Van explained the new rubric system.
- Questions and concerns were addressed.
- Provided more updates with the feedback received from the last Senate Meeting.
- Time: 11 minutes
Business item 4:
Wadi move to approve the update to the bylaws through the article on meetings. Aura seconded.
- Time: 45 minute
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- Chan Myae Naing - 1st Meeting
Public comments
- none
Advisor announcements
- none
- Aura adjourned the meeting at 15:35 PM