General Meeting Information

Date: November 14, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    Call to Order

    A Michi Ozaki

    Roll Call

    I/D Michi Ozaki

    Approval of Minutes

    I/D/A All

    Public Comments

    I All
    11:10 Advisor Announcements I Dennis Shannakian

    Business Item #1

    Title: Check-in

    This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other. 

    Prompt: What’s your go-to In-N-Out order?

    Time: 5 minutes

    I/D All

    Business Item #2

    Title: Approval of Eco-Fund Project

    This item is to discuss and approve the eco-fund project by the Environmental Monitoring Club.

    Time: 10 minutes

    I/D/A EMC, Dariga

    Business Item #3

    Title: Bike Program Updates

    This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.

    Time: 10 minutes




    Business Item #4

    Title: Eco Fund Updates

    This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.

    Time: 10 minutes



    Business Item #5

    Title: VIDA Meeting Updates

    This item is to provide updates on the meeting with VIDA.

    Time: 10 minutes



    Public Comments



    Advisor Announcements


    Dennis Shannakian



    Michi Ozaki
  • Minutes

    Call to Order 

    • Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:06 AM 

    Roll Call 






    Michi Ozaki (Chair) 


    Minseo Kim


    Dariga Burkhanova







    Bella Eydel


    Elisha Wjayaa


    Mia Lin


    Myles Vongnakhone


    Yewon Kim


    Yoon Po Po Aung







    Dennis Shannakian



    Seungho Jang (4th)

    Fiona Chang (6th)

    Chaela Zalae (5th)

    Dicario Darren Liong (3rd)

    Mahder Aklilu (Advocacy Liaison)

    Mauricio Jimenez Rosas (3rd)

    Julia Kuzniarz (3rd)

    Caitlin Lam (5th)

    Tristan/Ziming Zhu (1st)

    Young Hun Jeong (Ryan) (2nd)

    Atharva Salkar (1st)

    Shuntaro Mase (2nd)

    Approval of Minutes 

    • October 7th, 2024
      Moved by Dariga
      Seconded by Minseo

    Public Comments 

    • Dariga: ES senators please sign up for the Secret Senator Gift Exchange.

    Advisor Announcements 

    • None

    Business Item 1

    Title: Check-in

    Presenters: All

    Prompt: What’s your go-to In-N-Out order?

    Business Item 2

    Title: Approval of Eco-Fund Project

    Presenters: Dariga, EMC

    • Michi: What kind of changes were made to the budget request part of your EcoFund project proposal?

      Ryan (EMC Officer): After doing our research, we decided it’s best to use physical tool to measure trees and run our event. For refreshments, since this is an open event they will be going towards all De Anza College students. After talking with developers, we are not sure how would the FHDA sharepoint and using the De Anza website domain work out since we are planning on expanding this to Bay Area

      Dariga: I don’t think we will be able to fund the refreshment part of the budget request, but besides that I would need to talk with our advisor regarding the domain and FHDA sharepoint. I will meet with you guys to discuss these details to finalize your project before the budget request. Additionally, we have to receive facility approval before submitting the budget request.
    • Dariga moved to approve the Tree Map project as a developing EcoFund project.
      Seconded by Minseo.

    Business Item 3

    Title: Bike Program Updates

    Presenters: Minseo

    • Minseo: There will be a workshop on November 26th, Tuesday 2-3pm at Student Chambers Council. Marketing request was submitted for the bike program workshop.

    • Presented the Bike Program Workshop slides.
    • Dariga: Let’s plan the bike distribution dates for the next quarter, next meeting. As we will have our upcoming quarter schedules in mind by that time as well.

      Minseo: For the bike return, if you guys are available during any of those dates. Please come out and help

      Yoon: I found a helmet with adjustable side and chin strap, it’s only one size so we would have to buy 76 helmets.

      Bella: We should get around 65 or so bike lights, since e-bikes have their own lights already.

      Myles: Is this light for the back of the bike, or the front of the bike?

      Bella: The bike lights we are buying are the bike lights for the front of the bike.

      Dariga: Will the bike program, and EcoFund workshops be counted as field hours for senators?

      Michi: Will need to ask advisors regarding that.

      Minseo: They should be field hours, as it would give them the opportunity to learn more about the various programs under DASG.

      Minseo: 2/3 of the bikes will be given out during week 1.

      Dariga: Would there be a way to simplify the process of manually reading through bike program applications with the use of technology/software?

      Michi: We could use an Excel function to simplify the process of reading through, and give the bikes to qualified applicants. Currently using a point system for the e-bike application, to determine those who will get priority. Could definitely utilize Excel to simplify the manual process.

    • Talked and discussed the various ways we can distribute the bikes this upcoming quarter. Different versions, and ways were discussed. Decided on having the bike distribution process selection as an action item in the next meeting, due to the time constraints in this current meeting.

    • Mahder: I want to add more demographic questions to the e-bike program application, we could utilize the demographic data to apply and receive grants. Will send the questions to Minseo, so it can be added into the application.

    Business Item 4

    Title: Eco Fund Updates

    Presenters: Dariga

    • Dariga: We have an upcoming EcoFund workshop, Monday November 18th at the Don Bautista room from 2:30 pm till 4pm. An Instagram post has been made, and marketing will be working on the A-frame chalkboards. \
    • Presented the EcoFund Workshop Slides.
    • Dariga: Do we have to get the EcoFund project approved by the senate?
      Michi: Yes, we will have to

    Business Item 5

    Title: VIDA Meeting Updates

    Presenters: Dariga

    • Yewon: Currently await on feedback about the pool covers, meanwhile worked on planning and delegating tasks for the recycling petition. Brainstormed on ways to promote the petition which included tabling, social media, events with the goal of informing students to gather signatures.

    Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns 

    • None

    Public Comments 

    • Michi: Interns who are scheduled to interview, will be interviewed at the student lounge by Dariga and Minseo


    • Michi adjourned the meeting at 12: 05 PM. 

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