How to Reach DSS

You can speak with your counselor by phone, email or Zoom videoconference.  

In-Person Help Desk Hours

  • Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

Here's how you can reach us:

  • Email:
  • Phone: (408) 864-8838
  • Visit the Online Help Desk – no appointment needed. 

Online Help Desk Hours

To reach our Virtual Help Desk, click on the Zoom links below. Thank you for your patience, understanding and flexibility.

DSS Program Overview

Our mission is to assist students with disabilities to participate fully in De Anza College's classes, programs and services as they pursue personal, vocational and educational goals. De Anza was and early adopter of support programs for college students with disabilities in California.  The DSS program was established in 1973.

Evolving over the years, it has addressed the needs of an increasingly more diverse population of students with disabilities. It has continuously enhanced its' academic support to increase educational achievement.  Today, more than 1500 students enroll annually.  Attention to individual needs encourages students to set and pursue challenging goals.

What Does the Program Do?

As a comprehensive program, Disability Support Services (DSS) provides and array of legally mandated accommodations and supportive services for students with a wide variety of disabilities who are enrolled in De Anza's vocational certificate, degree and university transfer programs.

Services start with a student's initial contact at De Anza and then continue through his or her transition to work, university or other community options. This approach offers and ongoing point of contact providing disability management counseling, a broad array of accommodations and coordination to increase access to campus resources.

As part of De Anza's Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS), DSS assists the college to comply with legal mandates related to access and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities such as applicable requirements in the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. Title 5 of the California Community College Code of Regulations and Sections 504 and 508 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act.

How to Enroll as a New De Anza DSS Student

New and Returning Students
In order to receive your disability-related services and accommodations at De Anza College you must first complete these steps:

  1. Apply to De Anza College
  2. Submit DSPS Application for Services
  3. Submit Disability Verification Form
  4. See DSS Counselor

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How does a student apply for services?

Before services or accommodations can be started, a currently enrolled or prospective De Anza student who wants to receive accommodations or take educational assistance classes as a result of an eligible disability must meet with a DSS counselor or Learning Disabilities Specialist for an intake appointment and complete DSS program paperwork and college enrollment requirements. 

When you are ready to apply for disability-related services and accommodations at De Anza College, follow the steps listed on our DSS Apply Now webpage.

How to get priority registration

Disability Support Services students qualify for priority registration, when the completed enrollment requirements for De Anza College have been met.

The following State requirements need to be met, if a DSS student would like to receive priority registration from Disability Support Programs and Services:

  • Current Educational goal i.e. Transfer, AA
  • Degree, or Certificate
  • Declared Major i.e. English, Computer Science, etc.
  • Completed Orientation
  • Cleared for placement by the Assessment Center
  • Current Comprehensive Educational Plan
  • GPA above 2.0
  • Completed less than 150 units*
  • Have not been on probation for two consecutive quarters*
  • Not a High School student
  • Current DSS student receiving services

Contact your DSS Counselor if you are a student who has:

* 150+ units
* been on probation for two consecutive quarters

Students are ­encouraged to meet with their DSS Counselor for registration support and take advantage of priority registration to accommodate disability related needs:

  • Special scheduling
  • Class location requirement
  • Arranging for alternate media
  • Furniture, etc...


How does DSS support students

  • DSS services are confidential and voluntary
  • DSS services are confidential and will not be disclosed on the official transcripts

Students with verified disabilities work individually with their assigned DSS Counselor. Depending on the nature of the disability and its impact on student’s specific educational limitations, the following DSS services may be recommended:

How to request accommodations with Clockwork

Students: After your DSS application and counseling intake appointment is complete, please use Clockwork to request your approved accommodations.

Clockwork is a complete scheduling and data management system for our Disability Support Programs and Services, streamlining via Myportal and simplifying processes for accommodation requests. You will use ClockWork to send your accommodation letter to your instructor(s) who will complete your request.

To access Clockwork, follow these steps or use the downloadable accommodations guide:


  • Log in to MyPortal
  • Locate and click on the ClockWork card
  • Select ClockWork DeAnza
  • Select Accommodations Letter
  • Choose the correct term. Click Request for the class you need the accommodations letter
  • Select the Courses and Request Your Accommodations.
    • Check all that apply. Indicate whether your accommodations are correct or need to be changed.
    • (Use the Optional Note section to clearly list the additional accommodations requested.)
  • Agree to Terms and click Submit
  • Download the accommodation letter for each course by clicking Get Letter.

Eligibility and Enrolling for Services

Students who have any verified disability that meet the criteria of impairing a major life activity and causes and educational limitation in the college setting.

For specific information on eligibility requirements and terms used here, see Disability Definitions and Documentation.

Students with specific learning disabilities are assisted through the Learning Disabilities Support Team.


 Office Contact

Kim Fukuyama
Administrative Assistant I

 Disability Support Services

(408) 864-8838

Registration and Student Services Bldg., RSS 141

De Anza College Disability Support Services Instagram click here

De Anza DSS Facebook button click or select here

De Anza DSS YouTube button click here

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