The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
May 3rd, 2010
Senators and Officers present: Anderson, Annen, Argyriou, Beckum, Botsford, Brennan, Cordero, Glapion, Goodwin, Guevara, Hanna, Kragelot, Larson, Lee-Klawender, Maynard, McNamara, Mjelde, Nengo, Nickel, Schaffer, Setziol, Singh, Stockwell, Swanner, and Tao
Senators and Officers absent: Chang, Lathers, and Norte
District Senate President:
DASB: Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison: Rich Schroeder Guests: Jackie Reza,
SLO coordinators/Staff Development:
Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:32 a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with the addition of a new item XII: Printing of Exams and the renumbering of items previously numbered XII and XIII to XIII and XIV respectively.
The draft notes of April 26thth were approved as distributed.
II. Needs and Confirmations: Isaiah Nengo was confirmed for service on the
FHDA Foundation Director Search & Selection Committee.Tom Dolen, Lena Chang, Alex Swanner, and Pam Wilkes were confirmed for service on the Librarian Search & Selection Committee. Diana Alves de Lima, Tom Dolen, and Judy Mowrey were confirmed for service on the Dean of Learning Resources Search & Selection Committee
Faculty for the Economics faculty search & selection committee were not confirmed pending information about the committee selection process and it was noted that in cases where an unusual Search and Selection Committee is proposed, special care must be taken to follow established process very carefully.
III. Senate President's Report: Argyriou excused herself to take care of an unforeseen task. Lee-Klawender reported instead on the most recent Campus Budget meeting and the prospects of a District grants and grant writing office helping to increase the flow of new money for promising initiatives. Tangentially, it was mentioned that grant writing help from a District person has already proved to be very helpful.
IV. IPBT Update: Lee-Klawender projected the final version of the Program Review Update Form and pointed out a new problem/question. Now that SLOs are part of the form, should differences in SLO reporting be used to favor one department's requests over another. It was the sense of the Senate that this should not be the case unless requests for funding or positions are directly tied to SLOs.
V. Proposed College Mission Statement: Stockwell presented on behalf of the committee which drafted the draft document. Extended discussion revealed a variety of sometimes conflicting statements. Emerging consensus was in favor of somehow including vocational educational as a goal of students and the sentiment that the previous mission statement was more concise and more inspiring.
VI. Educational Master Plan: It was the sense of the Senate that the draft was good as it was although Stockwell was asked to check on the adequacy of references to vocational education.
VII. Faculty Caps and Gowns: Argyriou reminded the group that $400 had been donated by the group last year (matched by the College President) and that $396 of that $400 had been spent (also last year). It was MSCU Hanna/Cordero to donate $400 to the Cap and Gown fund. As a part of the discussion, a question was raised about the balance of the Senate dues account. The officers responded with an approximation of a $14,000 to $15,000 year end balance (not including the $400).
VIII. Bookstore Textbook Rentals: The item was held over.
IX. Adobe Acrobat Pro: Argyriou presented a request for approximately $60 for computer software called Adobe Acrobat Pro. The software will enable the officers to distribute pertinent portions of large PDF files rather than being limited to whole documents as at present. It was MSCU (Brennan/Goodwin) to approve the request.
X. CEAG Call for Participation: Kirstin Jensen-Sullivan was present to remind the group of the history and accomplishments of the College Environmental Advisory Group (CEAG) and to ask for interested faculty to join. Stockwell and Singh expressed interest.
XI. Senate Reception for Newly Tenured Faculty: After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the group to ask newly tenured faculty to join the end of the year Senate Executive Committee reception rather than have a separate one.
XII. Printing Exams: A problem exists where B budgets have vanished. A legal ruling by the Office of Legal Affairs in the state chancellor’s office has determined that materials fees cannot be used for the printing of tests currently being used, leaving no discretionary fund available for faculty use. A wide ranging discussion was held during which the following points were the sense of the Senate.
- The college has a responsibility to provide for the printing of exams.
- There should be an identifiable budget for the printing of exams which does not diminish the B budgets for departments and divisions.
- It is a poor and inappropriate use of a division dean’s time to have them approve individual requests for exam printing.
Also, several Senators suggested that the college should appeal or somehow seek to nullify the legal ruling, thereby allowing materials fees to be used for the printing of exams.
XIII. Wrap Up: The Senators were asked to give any additional feedback on the draft College Mission Statement and the draft Educational Master Plan
XIV. Good of the Order and Announcements: None
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25