Notes - January 23, 2006
De Anza Academic Senate
Notes for the meeting of
January 23, 2006
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Joplin, Mosh, Dolen, Khanna, Sheirich, Barney, Jensen Sullivan, Fox, Logvinenko,
Osborne, Winters, Capitolo, Fritz, , Chenoweth, Goodwin, Mitchell, Kramer,Rodriguez,
Cordero, Hearn, Moreno, Setziol, Cole, Olsen
Senators and Officers absent: Annen, Bryant, Zill
DASB: Saleha Pirzada, Menglan Fan (Susan)
Classified Senate: Olivia Patlan
Administrative Liaison: Anne Leskinen
Guests: Brian Murphy, Jeanine Hawk, Elizabeth Bresnan, Rich Hansen
The meeting was called to order at 2:32, a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
The notes of the meeting of December 12, 2005 were approved with addition of the noted presence of Elizabeth Bresnan.
II. Introductions: Members introduced themselves.
III. Needs and Confirmations: After some discussion of the number of members of the committee, the nine faculty members of the math selection committee were confirmed: Millia Ison, Charles Klein, Vladimir Logvinenko, Lisa Markus, Farshod Mosh, Rupinder Sekhon, Karl Schaffer, Kejian Shi, Lakshmi Vanniasegaram, with Anne Leskinen as chair and Adrienne Pierre as EEO rep.
The Academic Senate Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee members approved were Dave Capitola, Laura Raffaelli and Kristin Jensen Sullivan.
IV. Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee Goals and Objectives: Hearn distributed copies of the Talloires Declaration. After discussion it was decided that this document would form the basis for initial discussion among subcommittee members, who would return to the Senate with recommendations on relationships with existing committees.
V. Compensation for Substitutes: Hearn distributed copies of Article 16 of the current FA contract, which includes reference to substitutes. Discussion followed in which a consensus was reached that there is no standard procedure being followed among departments and divisions. The Academic Senate will take this issue under consideration.
VI. Update on Rescinsion of Work to Contract: Rich Hansen reported on the work that FA had done with the District to try to resolve issues before the Work to Contract declaration was made (and then rescinded) and explored the salary portion of the tentative agreement. VII. ETAC Report: Tom Dolen updated the Senate on the ETAC report and distributed four pages for review. Senators are to email Hearn with their concerns for inclusion in discussions next week (15 minutes) of areas of concern, particularly Service Level Agreements.
VIII. Bond Measure – proposed items: Guests Jeanine Hawk and Brian Murphy addressed this issue. Handouts were distributed by Hearn and Hawk. The Board of Regents received these documents at its meeting last week. Hawk said that the Board will be walking through the details of the lists presented at their next meeting on Feb.. 6. In response to a question, Murphy said that the traditional 60/40 split would not apply in this case, since Foothill construction is more expensive than De Anza. Hawk said that additional items can still be added to these lists – of furniture and equipment needs and bond project list – through instructional deans or to her directly. Input must be to the Academic Senate by February 6. In response to a question, Hawk stated that all the new buildings will be certified as green buildings. In response to another question, Hawk stated that the multicultural center is planned to be housed in existing building L9. Those interested were invited by Hawk to a meeting on Thursday, January 26, at 9:00 a.m. in Community Services to update the master plan of the campus, in preparation for the bond submission to the Board.
IX. Technology Reorganization: Hearn distributed information on the proposed reorganization and stated her support of the idea, noting that the officers were somewhat divided on this issue. She noted her support was conditional on instructional concerns staying in instruction and as long as it was clearly identified how services would be provided to instruction. Barney noted his concern that technology support of instruction would not be well served by moving administrative oversight away from instruction and that a proposal of this sort should involve those who use the service in the planning of the service. Murphy said the vision was the important thing, to serve instruction. Mitchell pointed out that he had not been consulted before being placed on the organization chart and stated a concern on how decisions would be made with the proposed chart, with the higher level decisions being made in the non-instructional area of the college. Murphy apologized to Mitchell but said that the reorganization has already been started. Hearn concluded by saying that this would be discussed at the next Senate meeting.
X. Good of the Order:
- Logvinenko distributed copies of a brochure noting Jewish Heritage Month (January) and asking that information on this topic be provided to other faculty.
- Jensen Sullivan announced faculty training for an environmental action plan for the college.
- Hearn noted the addition of a copier for faculty use in the faculty access room in the Admissions and Records part of the student services building.
- Setziol requested a review of the +/- study period for the meeting of January 30,2006.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.