Notes - January 30, 2006
De Anza Academic Senate
Notes for the meeting of
January 30, 2006
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Barney, Capitolo, Chenoweth, Cole, Cordero,
Dolen, Fox, Fritz, Goodwin, Hearn, Khanna, Kramer, Logvinenko, Moreno, Osborne, Rodriguez,
Setziol, Sheirich, Winters, Jensen Sullivan, Joplin
Senators and Officers absent: Annen, Bryant, Mosh, Olsen, Zill
Classified Senate: Olivia Patlan
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Karl Schaffer, Elizabeth Mjelde
The meeting was called to order at 2:32, a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved with changes. A discussion
of the proposed nanoscience degree and certificate program replaced the community
college initiative item (Item IV). Items VI and VIII were reversed in sequence.
The notes of the meeting of January 23, 2006 were approved with spelling corrections
II. Needs and Confirmations: The Bookstore Director search committee, under Jeanine
Hawk, is recruiting faculty to serve. Submit names to Setziol by Wednesday. Two
additional faculty are needed for the Environmental Sustainability committee. Please
submit names to Setziol.
III. Bond Measure – proposed items: Hearn distributed the Bond Project List of 1/18/06
and reported on her meeting with Jeanine Hawk, in which she was told that the large
cap item $62M bond request needs to be trimmed to $55M. Discussion ensued in which
senators commented that Hawk had said that the list was not final and she would accept
additions until February 6, and that some departments and divisions were not represented
on the list. Senators accepted the charge of putting priority numbers (1 high to
4 low) for each of the items on the list. Hearn presented notes on each proposed
project and asked that priority lists be returned to her not later than Wednesday.
IV. Proposed Nanoscience Degree and Program: Hearn reported on a proposal from Foothill
College to submit to the state chancellor’s office a proposal to offer this degree
and program and on their request to De Anza to join with them, to make it a district
proposal instead of one only from Foothill. After discussions of the usefulness of
such an offering, it was decided that by previous agreement unless and until it is
determined that meetings were held between the appropriate Foothill and De Anza faculty
that the De Anza Senate would not support this initiative.
V. Instructional Materials – Library Request: The Senate voted to approve the library
request to remove library funding from the Instructional Equipment fund ($20k currently)
and replace it with $100k from the Lottery Instructional Materials fund.
VI. Program Review Update: Hearn reviewed the current campus use of program review
documents and invited suggestions on how to proceed with making these documents more
useful to the planning and budgeting operations of the College. As a result of the
lack of clarity of this year’s process, the discussion that followed included requests
that a written and accepted process be developed by the college to ensure transparency
and checks and balances throughout planning and budgeting. Also included was the
anticipated need to request from departments and divisions additional information
if program reviews were deemed insufficient in detail or approach. Hearn suggested
that in a future senate meeting we should invite the IPBT faculty representatives
to hear the concerns of the executive committee with program review.
VII. ETS Service Level Agreement: Held over for next meeting.
VIII. Technology Reorganization Update: Held over for next meeting.
IX. Good of the Order: Winters invited senators to attend the African Ancestry Faculty
and Staff and Students Association luncheon on February 9th. Hearn announced the
retirement this summer of President Bernadine Fong, of Foothill.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:32.