Notes - March 12th, 2007
The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
March 12th, 2007
Senators and Officers present: Bambhania, Capitolo, Chenoweth, Cordero, Dolen, Gallegos,
Glapion, Goodwin, Guevara, Hearn, Jensen-Sullivan, Joplin, Kessler, Kramer, Lee-Klawender,
Lizardi-Folley, Maynard, Miller, Osborne, Otake, Raffaelli, Setziol, and Zill
Senators and Officers absent: Cole, Coleman, Lathers, Schaffer, and Winters
DASB: Yvonne Luo
Classified Senate: Olivia Patlan
Administrative Liaison: Christina Espinosa-Pieb
Guests: Brian Murphy and Jeanine Hawk
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they
are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:34 a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with the removal
of Item V. The removal was explained.
The notes of March 5th were approved as distributed after correction of the attendance
II. Needs and Confirmations: Don Nickel was confirmed for service on the Library
Advisory Subcommittee. Marshall Hattori was confirmed for service on the Catalyst
Committee. In anticipation of a controversial committee formation due to come to
the group March 19th, Chenoweth distributed copies of the section on committee formation
from the Senate's agreement with the Board of Trustees.
III. Measure C Reallocations: Jeanine Hawk was present to further explain items presented
by Hearn March 5th. Hawk said that the estimates increasing amounts for projects were
hers. She also said that there was less latitude for shifting money between projects
with Measure C than there was with Measure E although there is a 5% contingency built
into each project budget as well as an overall 5% contingency. In response to concerns
that some things not completed through Measure E were not showing up on the list of
that to be handled by Measure C, Hawk 1) asked for specific examples of anything that
would not be considered equipment (not covered by E) and 2) said that equipment connected
with but not covered by Measure E will be included in Measure C funding.
IV. Bond Measure Project Review: Setziol distributed a document focusing on the future
and combining the notion of increased faculty involvement and oversight with the idea
of getting environmental sustainability to be everyone's commitment rather than merely
a policy statement which would be the responsibility of an individual or a small group.
Reaction to combining what had been separate ideas was mixed. During discussion,
Setziol felt the need to explain to President Murphy that the original idea of review
had not changed and pertained directly to Measure E projects and indirectly to Measure
C through lessons learned.
At this point President Murphy revealed the main reason for his attendance at the
meeting. Recent serious allegations against members of the college baseball team
were said to be likely to result in arrests. He applauded the actions of coaches
and those students who transported the alleged victim to a hospital. A review of
the training of athletes, exploration of the possible contribution of college orientation
for all students, and date rape awareness for all students were mentioned. Marisa
Spatafore was commended for her work speaking for the college to the media.
VI. Institutional Preparedness Subcommittee: A brief discussion included more information
about what students thought would make the college a friendlier place.
It was MSCU (Joplin/Jensen Sullivan) to form a committee which will spearhead a campaign
to create a friendlier, more inviting campus especially for new and potential students.
VIII. Technology Plan: Discussion focused on implementation and review. Chenoweth
said that implementation is already taking place with the plan covering 2007 through
2009 and that there are to be annual reviews. The plan was accepted without objection.
This was characterized as a compliment when taking into consideration the number of
concerns raised about the Service Level Agreement document of last year.
IX. Strategic Planning Update: Hearn described the latest phase of efforts by the
various working groups associated with the initiative. The groups are working on
a strategic plan for the college for the next few years. Contained within the plan
are specific action plans dealing with the use of one time monies. Each of the four
main groups were said to be pursuing implementation as soon as this summer. A review
of outcomes is planned but has not yet been fully described.
VII. Classified Senate Graduation Participation: Olivia Patlan spoke to the proposal
to have all willing classified staff wear caps and gowns at graduation. After a thoughtful
discussion weighing possible pros and cons, it was MSCU (Maynard/Cordero) to ask willing
classified staff to wear caps and gowns, including regalia as appropriate (understood
to mean that those with no post secondary degree would wear the cap and gown alone
and that those with post secondary degrees would wear tassels etc. as per the traditions
of the particular degree held).
X. At Large Part Time Senate Representative: Will Paicius will replace Beth Bresnan
as one of the At Large Part Time Faculty Representatives beginning in Spring.
XI. Good of the Order: - Maynard and Capitolo reported that they had attended
a vocational education leadership conference hosted by the Academic Senate for California
Community Colleges (ASCCC). Maynard said that Title 5 changes are pending which will
require attention and that information is available on the ASCCC web site. Hearn
announced that the topic will be on the March 19th agenda and that Anu Khanna will
be invited to attend.
- An inquiry was made about Instructional Testing. Hearn responded by announcing
that she and Christina Espinosa-Pieb are working towards Spring implementation.
- Hearn reminded the group that the Spring Session of the State Senate (AKA ASCCC)
is scheduled for April 19th – 21st and encouraged attendance.
- Capitolo was applauded for being awarded tenure. Mae Lee and Marietta Reber,
the other two tenure recipients, were also recognized.
- Counseling and Matriculation will have an open house March 14th.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:32