Notes - March 19th, 2007
The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
March 19th, 2007
Senators and Officers present: Bambhania, Capitolo, Chenoweth, Coleman, Cordero,
Dolen, Gallegos, Glapion, Goodwin, Guevara, Hearn, Jensen-Sullivan, Joplin, Kessler,
Kramer, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Lizardi-Folley, Maynard, Miller, Osborne, Schaffer,
Setziol, Winters, and Zill
Senators and Officers absent: Cole, Otake, and Raffaelli
Classified Senate: Olivia Patlan
Administrative Liaison: Christina Espinosa-Pieb
Guests: Mike Bull, Steven Rappaport, Claire Buss, Sarosh Jamal, Nick Ferraro, Sal
Breiter, Dave Stringer, Carlos Mujal, Charles Ramskov, Will Paicius, Howard Irvin,
Kathy Kyne, Robert Griffin, Ryan Bellon, and Carolyn Wilkins-Greene
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they
are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:33 a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
The notes of March 5th were approved as distributed after editing a Good of the Order
item for sincerity.
II. Needs and Confirmations: Wendell Goesling, Charles Ramskov, and Laurel Torres
were proposed for service on the Psychology Search and Selection Committee from a
list distributed by Chenoweth which also contained the name of Phil Lau. There was
a discussion during which it was clarified that A) although it has not been the norm
for retiring faculty to serve on search and selection committees dealing with the
replacement of their positions, there is no established policy disallowing it and
B) the position about to be searched for is not a straightforward replacement of Phil
Lau's identity within the department. Lau was added to the list to be approved and
the list was approved without objection. To warm applause, Hearn announced that Zill
had come up with a suitable acronym name for the committee dealing with institutional
preparedness. W.A.I.T. (We're All In This).
III. Economics Hiring Committee: Mike Bull and Steve Rappaport were present to ask
for reconsideration of the confirmation of Sal Breiter and Cynthia Kaufman for the
Economics faculty Search and Selection Committee. Bull pointed out that the third
full time faculty member in the department, Roger Mack, was ill and therefore unable
to attend but had signed the formal letter to the Senate making the request and stating
reasons behind the request. A statement by Cynthia Kaufman was read by Hearn in favor
of retaining the committee already identified.
A very significant discussion ensued during which a number of points were made both
for and against reconsideration. The principal points appeared to be 1. (for reconsideration)
the list approved was forwarded to the Senate and approved in error in that the requirement
for it to be from the "department/program faculty in consultation with the dean" and
2. (against reconsideration) all faculty who volunteered were included as per the
division practice of at least the last five years. Numerous times during the lengthy
discussion Hearn paused to entertain a motion to reconsider. None came.
IV. Early Alert: Kathy Kyne and Howard Irvin presented. Kyne began by saying that
De Anza was utilizing a $458,000 FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary
Education) grant. Although what is underway is not new conceptually, budget constraints
have not allowed the college to do a good job of identifying, tracking, and helping
early enough to be promising for students with significant academic problems. Howard
Irvin pointed to programs like Auto Tech as being examples of how to do an early alert
system well and said that the goal was to spread that effectiveness more broadly.
Kyne demonstrated a new web site dedicated to creating an early alert data base and
the means for linking classroom faculty with various student services. Faculty will
be able to enter individual students into the system and then, for example, be able
to suggest services and find out which counselor is assigned to help an individual
student. Hearn added that strategic planning efforts are linking this specific approach
with a variety of resources.
VII. Financial Aid Outreach: Ryan Bellon was present to present presents and to
inform the Senators about an upcoming temporary relocation of Financial Aid to modular
buildings adjacent to the tennis courts. He gave out gift boxes and mini brochures
and reminded Senators that the Financial Aid Outreach effort continues to seek an
audience of students through classroom visits.
V. Bond Measure Review Subcommittee: A handout from the officers for distribution
turned out to be not available. Hearn will distribute it through electronic mail
and the item will have time at the first meeting of Spring Quarter.
VI. Vocational Institute Report: Maynard and Capitolo reported on their experience
at the Academic Senate sponsored event. A handout showing topics presented plus resource
people connected with those topics. They characterized the experience as very worthwhile
and comforting in that the problems faced here are by no means unique.
VIII. Process for Hiring Committees: Discussion was very limited although an important
point was made about faculty in divisions not knowing the means or the prospects of
effecting change in College or District policies that involve division processes.
IX. Academic Senate President Report: The item was held over.
X. Good of the Order: - Gallegos distributed some very interesting responses
in the Creative Arts division to the call for ideas as to how De Anza can be a friendlier
place especially for new or prospective students. [Note: the handout used the term
"cultural awareness" whereas Executive Committee documents have used the term "Institutional
- Gallegos told the Senators a little about what they missed by not attending the
most recent De Anza dance performance.
- In response to a question as to the status of proposed Course Materials policy,
Hearn reported that the Course Materials Board Policy was not discussed at the last
Chancellor's advisory meeting. The Faculty Association is questioning the Academic
Senate's involvement.
- Hearn will email impending Title 5 changes to the executive members. Senators
are encouraged to make comments directly to the State Senate website or provide comments
to Hearn who will forward them on.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:34