Notes - October 8th, 2007

The De Anza Academic Senate

Approved Notes for the meeting of

October 8th, 2007

Senators and Officers present:, Argyriou, Bambhania, Chenoweth, Cole, Coleman, Dolen, Gallegos, Glapion, Goodwin, Hanna, Hughes, Kessler, Kramer, LaManque, Lee-Klawender, Maynard, Miller, Paicius, Schaffer, Setziol, Shively, Walton, White, and Winters

Senators and Officers absent: Lathers and Mitchell


Classified Senate:

Administrative Liaison:

Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna

[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]

The meeting was called to order at a quorum being present.

I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.

The notes were modified, adding language clarifying statements made by Anu Khanna in the Certificate Changes item

II. Needs and Confirmations: The latest update to the Tenure Review Committee Spreadsheet was presented and approved. A classified position for environmental Studies was considered and withdrawn pending more information about non faculty members for the committee. Dolen was confirmed for service as the co chair of the Technology Taskforce.

Kramer reiterated the needs for Educational Information System participation and the Professional Development Leave committee.

III. Certificate Changes: Anu Khanna reported that the number of responses to her request for feedback regarding the need for changes in certificates was minimal. The Senators were again asked to make sure that awareness was spreading. She also shared with the group the Curriculum Committee’s intent to begin enforcement of a previously approved policy eliminating from consideration curriculum submittals from divisions not represented on the Curriculum Committee.

IV. General Education Pattern: The principal purpose of the item was to populate the Executive Committee’s half of the steering committee for the review of general education at De Anza. Kramer wrote on a wall board the names of those divisions already represented by the Curriculum Committee’s half and Anu added Articulation Officer Renee Augenstein to that list. After presentation of the need and having heard several people stress the very high priority and importance of the effort, the group made the following appointments:

Special Education - Lathers *
Applied Technology – Walton
Biological and Health Sciences – Hanna
Business /CIS – Lee-Klawender
Social Sciences – White
Creative Arts - Mitchell*

The advisability of having Kessler continue last year’s Senate practice of having Child Development represented separately from Social Sciences was, for this appointment, put on hold pending an orientation for Kessler by Coleman and then further consideration.

The Steering Committee is to be co chaired by Khanna and Chenoweth. The fact that a number of people present remembered very little of previous presentations and the framing document for this effort was said to make clear the need for both the Executive Committee and the individuals comprising it to take the initiative more seriously.

*unaware of being a chosen one.

[NOTE: After the meeting, Khanna submitted the names of the Curriculum Committee participants on the steering committee. In addition to herself, there will be Randy Splitter (Language Arts), Marcia Peterson Maiero (Physical Education), David Gray (Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering), Constance Cole (International and Intercultural Studies), Patty Guitron (Counseling), and Lena Chang (Library). In addition, she clarified that Renee Augenstein and Karen Chow would participate on an as needed basis.

V. Basic Skills Initiative: Chenoweth talked about a meeting on the topic and focused on funding and the status of the initiative at De Anza. One portion of funding is $400,000 for four years (from a Title III grant) and another is $100,000 for three years. At the meeting it was decided to form a single $500,000 fund from the two sources.

In as much as the entire initiative is clearly within the Senate’s “Student Preparation and Success” responsibilities, a question was raised as to the role of the Executive Committee in the approval of spending plans etc. Chenoweth responded that the process is still in its earliest stages. A real first step will be to form a group specifically tasked with implementation. At that point the specific actions required of the Executive Committee should emerge.

VI. Textbook Adoption: The officers presented a plan for the creation of implementing guidelines for the Course Materials Policy. As presented, the plan called for a very small group comprised of Kramer and one Senator to draft language starting with the section on Textbook Adoption. Discussion resulted in approval of the plan and having both Schaffer and Mitchell join Kramer as the drafting group pending Mitchell’s acceptance of the appointment..

VII. Senator Orientation: Chenoweth devoted this particular session to electronic mail and the ramifications of its use and non use by faculty. Discussion revealed a mixed response in terms of how well it works and extent to which the faculty might accept various things being conducted exclusively through electronic mail using district provided addresses exclusively.

VIII. Good of the Order: Chenoweth was asked to report on the status of the planned temporary part time faculty office space.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:28

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