Notes - November 5th, 2007

The De Anza Academic Senate

Approved Notes for the meeting of
November 5th, 2007

Senators and Officers present:, Argyriou, Bambhania, Beggs, Chenoweth, Cole, Coleman, Dolen, Gallegos, Glapion, Goodwin, Hughes, Kessler, Kramer, Lathers Lee-Klawender, LaManque, Lee, Maynard, Miller, Mitchell, Paicius, Schaffer, Setziol, Shively, Walton, White, and Winters

Senators and Officers absent: Hanna

DASB: Alexis Loveday-Tierney
Classified Senate: Al Guevara
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Brian Murphy
Curriculum Co Chair:

[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they

are actually taken up at the meeting.]

The meeting was called to order at 2:32, a quorum being present.

I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with the addition of an Item IB: Environmental Sustainability Update.

The notes were approved as distributed with additional language in the “Fall Plenary Session” item .

Ib. Environmantal Sustainability Update: Goodwin distributed small flyers promoting a student driven event Tuesday, November 13th1:00 p.m. in the Main Quad) and Wednesday, November 14th (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Kirsch Center) consisting of presentations on various aspects of individual responsibility for environmental sustainability. Attendees will receive a compact fluorescent light bulb.

II. Needs and Confirmations: A discussion about the search and selection committees for the vice presidents of Instruction and Student Services was begun in preparation for the imminent arrival of Brian Murphy. There were concerns expressed about how names were selected and a lack of broader representation such as vocational education and many instructional divisions. Goodwin was announced as a candidate to represent part time faculty.
President Murphy arrived in mid sentence and a dialogue began. After listening to a reiteration of points made a few minutes earlier, Murphy said that he had no problem adding perhaps three more faculty including someone from vocational education and others from divisions not already represented by people being suggested. No action was taken. Murphy will contact various faculty as per the discussion and return after a discussion with the officers at the November 19th meeting, there being no meeting November 12th due to the Veterans Day holiday.

III. Fall Plenary Report: Chenoweth and Setziol reported on a number of developments and discussions at the statewide session in Anaheim. Student Learning Outcomes and Statewide Assessment were major topics and the source of much debate and controversy along with concurrent enrollment of high school students and various non credit issues.

IV. Instructional Testing:
Kramer outlined difficulties in continuing the service. Chenoweth pledged that the service would surely be revived for Winter.

V. SLO Coordinator Position: After considerable discussion it was the sense of the Senate that the officers should produce a draft job description which should include at a minimum the notion of the person acting as a facilitator of faculty expression of what all Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) should entail and mean to the college rather than being someone who would come in with everything predetermined.

VI. Scholarship Endowment and Elwell Donation: Setziol presented the fact that the group’s by-law obligations had been met since the scholarship endowment fund had reached a self sustaining level and asked what the group wanted to do at this point. After careful consideration and discussion which included the need for the Senate scholarships to somehow stand out in the crowd of scholarships available to students, it was MSCU(Shively/Beggs and Winters) to contribute $3,000 and to ask the officers to figure out a way for the scholarship to stand out to students.

Kramer presented a request from the Classified Senate for the Academic Senate to join in making a donation to the Heart Association in honor of Jean Elwell, former stalwart in Admissions and Records. After some expression of concern about precedent setting, it was MSCU(Winters/Beggs) to donate $500 in Jean’s name.

VII. Calendar Consideration: A discussion began with Chenoweth outlining the group’s obligation to a consideration of the issue. With a large “where do we go from here?” question hanging in the air like a cold fog, Chenoweth concluded the item by announcing that it would come back for further discussion.

VIII. Tech Update – ePortfolios, Security: The item was held over due to time constraints.

IX. Good of the order: - Chenoweth announced a book drive for the women of Elmwood Jail. Call 5841 for information.

- Setziol distributed a document calling for community colleges to consider campus discussions entailing debate on current U.S. relations with Iran and possible preparations for a general strike in the event of a U.S. attack on Iran.

- There will be a “Reading for Peace” event Wednesday, November 7th, in the Writing and Reading at 12:30

- Iranian speaker Dr. Trita Parsi will speak about U.S. – Iran relations Thursday, November 8th, at 1:30 p.m. in Admin 119.

The meeting was adjourned at

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