Notes - April 14th, 2008
The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
April 14th, 2008
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Bambhania, Chenoweth, Dolen, Gallegos, Guevara, Hanna, Hughes, Kessler, Kramer, LaManque, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Miller, Mitchell, Ng-Lee, Schaffer, Setziol, Shively, Walton, White, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Chang, Coleman, Glapion, Goodwin, and Maynard,
DASB: Classified Senate: Al Guevara
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Linda Elvin, MaryKay Englen, Alex Swanner, Lena Chang, Jon Forbes and Audrey Barker (La Voz), Willie Pritchard, and Judy Mowrey
Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna SLO Coordinator: Maryalice Bonilla
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they
are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:33 a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with a change in item III from "Textbook Rentals" to Board of Trustees Items".
The notes of March 17th, 2008 were approved as distributed with a minor modification of the language in item IV.
II. Needs and Confirmations: Jeff Forman was confirmed to replace Rich Schroeder on the Dean of Physical Education Search and Selection Committee.
Kramer presented a need for faculty on a Teaching and Learning Steering Committee dealing with next steps following the recently concluded teaching and learning questionnaire.
III. Board of Trustees Items: Chenoweth presented scenarios currently under discussion about District land acquisition. The Nasa Ames property, an alternative to the Middlefield campus, and The Oaks property were mentioned. The first two were presented both separately and in combination while the third was said to be, at least at the moment, grossly over priced and therefore not feasible. In a new development, Chenoweth told of discussions bringing a possible satellite campus for De Anza in the picture. This was despite repeated and recent indications that the college has no particular interest in moving in this direction.
IV. Elections: To collective and individual shock, Chenoweth announced the very recent death of Senator Will Paicius (heart attack). It was MSCU(Kessler/Winters) to authorize up to $100 for flowers to be sent in memory and appreciation of Will.
The death caused Kramer to ask for advice in dealing with the Senate elections since it leaves a significant hole in the Elections Committee (Paicius characterized as doing much of the work to this point) and making unusable 900 flyers set for distribution. Kramer was advised to start over with the flyer. He agreed. Hanna volunteered to replace Paicius on the committee.
V. Reorganization: Chenoweth began by reviewing President Murphy's presentation of March 17th. He focused on the notion that the reorganization was just barely that and characterized it as marginal change. He also focused on the reclassification and name change of the positions currently occupied by Christina Espinosa-Pieb and Donna Jones-Dulin.
Most of the comments and discussion were either neutral or critical in nature. Some points made were:
- There has been no review of the job descriptions of of Espinosa-Pieb or Jones-Dulin to see if addition duties and potential level of responsibility are reasonably related.
- Several people spoke about a concern about possible differences between the academic preparation ("quals") of Jeanine Hawk and Jones-Dulin called for in their initial hiring and the proposed new duties.
- Since Library, Language Arts, and Distance Learning entities are most potentially affected they should be given an opportunity to come together to discuss how the proposal or some alternative to it might work.
- From the perspective of Distance Learning, the reasons given for their being proposed to move from Instruction to Finance and College Services are not compelling. That group of people is willing to meet with Library and Student Success people to discuss the advisability of being grouped together under Instruction
- Several people said the proposal would reduce the ability of the Vice President for Finance and College Services to focus on the finances of the college.
- Concomitant with the previous concern was a concern for the inherent conflict of interest present when a person primarily responsible for the finances of the college is also responsible for advocating for funding for specific programs, speaking for expenditure on the one hand and for controlling costs on the other.
- There was a question as to the initial reason for the reorganization which went unanswered at the time.
- In response to a suggestion that no response be given due to the fact that nothing in writing has been received by the group, it was the sense of the Senate that some statement was required because to do otherwise would amount to tacet approval.
- Three things for Senators to relay to their constituents about what is being discussed: Distance Learning is proposed to report to the Finance and College Services entity, 2) the Library and student instructional support entities are proposed to report to a newly created dean's position, and issues surrounding two dean positions proposed for elevation to associate vice president status along with the Vice President for Finance and College Services taking on what have been Vice President for Instruction responsibilities.
VI. State Senate Resolutions : The officers distributed a compilation of the resolutions proposed as of the various state Area meetings. After some presentation and questions and answers, it was the sense of the Senate that none of the proposed rsolutions were controversial enough to warrant a vote resulting in a specific charge to the voting delegate (in this case Setziol due to a family medical situation in the Chenoweth family).
VI. Good of the Order and announcements: -
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25