Notes - June 2nd, 2008
The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
June 2nd , 2008
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Bambhania, Chenoweth, Coleman, Cordero, Dolen,
Gallegos, Glapion, Goodwin, Hanna, Hughes, Kessler, Kragelot, Kramer, Lathers, Lee-Klawender,
Maynard, Miller, Mitchell, Ng-Lee, Setziol, , Walton, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Guevara, LaManque, Schaffer, Shively, and White
DASB: Classified Senate: Al Guevara
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: John Cognetta and Michelle Bleu-Burns
Curriculum Co Chair: SLO Coordinator:
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they
are actually taken up at the meeting.]
At 2:40 an informal discussion began because of the lack of a quorum. Chenoweth announced
two conferences in search of De Anza faculty participants. One is to be June 9th
and 10th and the other is to be August 10th through August 13th in Newport Beach,
California . Argyriou, Lee-Klawender, and Goodwin were applauded for their resounding
victories in the recent Senate election.
The meeting was called to order at 2:47 a quorum being present.
II. Needs and Confirmations: Kramer outlined the need for tenure review committee
members including department, division, and at large.
Sandra Kovach-Long, Monica Sheirich, and Tom Beggs were approved for service on the
HOPE Counselor Search and Selection Committee. Anna Poklewski was confirmed for service
on the Ilan Glasman Tenure Review Committee. Bambhania, Gallegos, Kramer, and Miller
were confirmed for at large tenure review service.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The Agenda was approved as distributed. The Notes
were approved as distributed with minor editing and the deletion of a controversial
III. Faculty EIS Representative: Chenoweth announced that De Anza would send two
people to serve on this committee even though only one slot was announced.
IV. Campus Budget Update: Chenoweth distributed two documents, one pertaining to
money coming to the District from the State and one pertaining to the college. Key
points about the first document were the fact that no Cost of Living Adjustment is
projected, the proposed funding of 1.6% growth in FTES, and the likelihood that there
will be no property tax backfill. The college specific document was a spreadsheet
showing various places within the budget contributing towards a balanced budget.
It was made clear that the sources and devices used to balance the budget this year
will likely not be available next year.
Some concerns were expressed. Among them were concerns about the proper use of public
funds both in terms of a lack of faculty involvement and accountability for results
at the division level (accountability for which was said to be unpopular among division
deans despite efforts by Jeanine Hawk) and in terms of not spending what has been
allocated when there are unfulfilled needs. A possible solution for both problems
was offered to be meeting with the vice president for Instruction to emphasize the
need for action in these areas.
V. Grade Documentation Retention: Chenoweth focused the group’s attention on A)
A proposed shift in the responsibility for grade documentation retention from Admissions
and Records to the faculty assigning the grades and B) A proposed shift in the length
of time documentation should be retained.
There was much energy and involvement in the discussion. Many things were said but
recurring themes were the need for more knowledge of all sorts regarding the current
usage of past grade documentation, the need for ensuring grade documentation for short
term part time faculty grades, the arbitrariness of any particular length of time
absent pertinent information about students et cetera, and a proposed solution of
having Admissions and Records retain responsibility but change from physical/paper
records to electronic ones.
VI. Professional Relations: Asserting his faith that the Senators had read the document
previously distributed, Setziol went directly to the “Recommendations” section and
began by adding a 7th recommendation which had been intended but erroneously omitted.
It read “It should be made clear that mediation and findings of unethical or unprofessional
behavior are separate processes.” It was then further clarified that the separation
included the segmentation of the Professional Relations Committee on a case by case
basis such that those involved in mediation attempts would not also be involved in
findings. Also discussed was the need, under the proposal, for the executive committee
to get directly involved in determining definitions, criteria, and sanctions. The
Senators were asked to think carefully about how to proceed.
VII. Board Policies: The item was postponed.
VIII. Academic Integrity and or Disruptive Behavior: John Cognetta and Michelle
Le Bleu-Burns were present to ask the group’s assistance in a new attempt to increase
consistency and effectiveness of faculty and administrative efforts dealing with student
cheating and disruptive behavior. The pair was immediately thanked for picking up
a ball dropped by a former administrator. Coming up with consistent sanctions, standards
for what constitutes cheating and proof thereof, were some of the things about which
the committee was asked for its collaboration.
IX. Institutional Core Competencies Town Hall: Chenoweth announced the pending Town
Hall meeting Thursday, June 5th from 3:30 to 5:00 PM in Forum 1.
Good of the Order and announcements: - Goodwin said that the Environmental Sustainability
sub committee wanted to report at one of the last two remaining meetings of the year
and that they were planning to meet jointly with the College Environmental Advisory
Group (CEAG) for the time being.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:31.