The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of

April 20th, 2009

Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Beckum, Botsford, Brennan, Cichanski, Coleman, Dolen, Glapion, Goodwin, Hanna, Hughes, LaManque, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Logvinenko, Maynard, Miller, Mitchell, Setziol, Sherby, Swanner, White, and Winters

Senators and Officers absent: Cadge-Moore, Cordero, D. Guevara, J. Guevara, Mjelde, and Walton

DASB: Classified Senate: Lois Jenkins

Administrative Liaison: Rich Schroeder

Guests: Karl Schaffer, Mary Sullivan

SLO coordinators: Jim Haynes

Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna

[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]

The meeting was called to order at 2:32, a quorum being present.

I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with Argyriou noting that item III would be taken up before the completion of Item I.

III College President's Update: President Murphy was present to update the group on the current state of both local and State of California budgets. He began by showing how the current projected deficit would balloon if the State propositions pertaining to budget fail. Because of the certainty of a significant District deficit, May 20th is the day that the College plans for budget reductions are due. Since A) divisions were assigned the task of identifying cuts which would have the effect of balancing the budget while not cutting classes and B) there are insufficient funds in all budget categories other than salaries to meet that task, layoffs and or salary reductions will be required. Potential staff reductions are being discussed in the IPBT. He distributed a handout detailing the daunting projected deficit numbers.

BACK to I The notes of April 13th were approved as distributed.

II. Needs and Confirmations: A handout containing brief, self written profiles of people wishing to join the Staff Development faculty hiring committee was distributed. It was noted with some concern that having people write a profile of themselves in order to be considered for uncompensated committee service was unprecedented and the officers were urged to make it clear for the record whether this situation was an anomaly or the beginning of a new protocol. 1) Anu Khanna, Jim Haynes, Matt Abrahams, and Marilyn Patton were approved

2) Diana Alves de Lima was confirmed as an alternate to serve IF the EO Rep is NOT a faculty member (to maintain the faculty majority on the committee).

VI. Health Service Update: Mary Sullivan was present and gave a rousing demonstration of the College's new "evacuation chair", a device to be used as necessary for those in wheel chairs in emergencies. She indicated where the new chairs would be located and clearly demonstrated how to use them.

Sullivan then distributed a brochure titled "When you don't know who (sic) to call: Dial 2-1-1". 2-1-1 is a new service for non emergency help for people in distress of any kind.

Sullivan also distributed a flyer outlining events and services related to the health center.

V. Service Area Outcomes: Jim Haynes led the group on a merry chase through the never never land of Service Area Outcomes. A succinct definition might be Outcomes for services rather than instruction. A workshop scheduled for April 24th was said to be fully subscribed.

IV. BP 4185: Publication of Instructional Materials: Argyriou distributed the latest proposals, one from the Foothill senate and one from the Faculty Association. After an enervating discussion which threatened to rekindle a wholesale discussion often repeated over the last seven years, the group indicated a very slight preference for the Foothill Senate version but left it to the officers to determine the final De Anza Senate position. It was noted that a significant follow up on enforcement had been promised.

VII. De Anza Budget Website: The item was held over.

VIII. Budget Questions Update: Argyrious distributed a compilation of all offerings from Senators.

IX. Elections Committee: After a brief review of the duties of this committee and, much more importantly, the revelation by Argyriou that she intended to seek reelection, Mitchell, Lathers, and Hughes volunteered to comprise the committee.

X. Good of the Order and Announcements: There are evidently no plans for any formal De Anza observance of Earth Day Wednesday, April 22nd.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:32.

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