The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
May 18th, 2009
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Beckum, Brennan, Cadge-Moore, Cichanski, Coleman, Cordero, Dolen, D. Guevara, J. Guevara, Hanna, Hughes, Lee-Klawender, Lathers, Logvinenko, Maynard, Mitchell, Setziol, Sherby, Swanner, White, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Botsford, Glapion, Goodwin, LaManque, Miller, Mjelde, and Walton
DASB: Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Karl Schaffer SLO coordinators: Jim Haynes and Colleen Lee-Wheat Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:35, a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed with the addition of an Item XIb: Scheduling classes.
The notes of May 11th were approved with correction to the attendance portion and an addition to Item VIII
II. Needs and Confirmations: Argyriou was confirmed for service on the Foothill-De Anza District Chancellor Search Committee. Carol Cini was approved for service on the Tenure Review at large representative pool.
III. IPBT Update: Lee-Klawender introduced the seven positions forwarded by the IPBT to the College Council. There was some concern that the seven forwarded were not the same as seven likely to be generated by a pure analysis and discussion process. Again there was concern that not all divisions had a reasonable consultation process behind the recommendations coming via division deans. Apparently, some deans think that the term "division" is synonymous with "division dean". Most specifically, the Auto Tech classified position on the list was not identified as being a low priority by the Auto Tech department and was, rather, said to be indispensable to the Auto Tech evening program. Finally, the group spent considerable time and energy discussing reassigned time for faculty. It was suggested that the group needed an accounting of how much reassigned time was being used for what purpose before it could decide whether or not the $200,000 figure was reasonable.
IV. College Council Update: It was reported that an unfilled counseling position would remain unfilled as opposed to being filled. In answer to a question about positions in College Services, Argyriou said that those positions were not "Fund 14" positions and the position cutting exercise was limited to fund 14 positions. [NOTE: Fund 14 positions are positions funded with ongoing monies which the Board would like reduced because they are seen as contributing to the District structural deficit.
Also mentioned were concerns that cuts to the "Office of Diversity" and staff development would most adversely affect the kinds of students the college has been trying most diligently to serve. Finally, several people wondered out loud when and if President Murphy will announce the elimination of an administrative position.
V. AP 6124 Course Repetition: It was the sense of the Senate that final wording on course repetition should result in a policy which is college and discipline driven.
VI. AP 3410 Records Retention: The item title was immediately revealed as being misleading since the principal issue was the length of time allowed for students to challenge a grade. Given that Foothill has a two year time period and the De Anza Senate has recently been convinced by the arguments for a three year time period, it was suggested that Argyriou call for a District policy of "No more than three years."
VII. Reception for Newly Tenured Faculty: The likely date was said to be in June.
VIII. Nominating and Elections Committee Update: Mitchell announced that, with two days left until the deadline for submitting candidate statements, there were no statements for two of the three positions to be on the ballot.
IX. Professional Relations: The item was held over.
X. SLO and SAO Update : A case was made for a Fall, 2009 opening day session on SLOs. Haynes told the group that the most common thread of comments coming out of a recent workshop on SLOs and SAOs was requesting more time for working on them.
XIa. Academic Freedom: Argyriou suggested that the Foothill Senate might want to retain the elimination of the single sentence paragraph in the middle of the proposed statement on the grounds of redundancy. There were conflicting responses to the inclusion of " the course outline of record" in the document.
XIb. Scheduling Breaks in Classes: Mitchell asked for the name of the authority behind the recently announce requirement to have class breaks in classes 100 minutes or longer. Is it Title 5? If so, where is it in title 5?
XII. Good of the Order and Announcements: - Without objection, $341 was approved for prizes at the upcoming Teaching and Learning Confereence at De Anza.
Setziol presented three different format possibilities for a commendation of Martha Kanter and the group chose the one described as a "letter" format.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33.