The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
November 2nd, 2009
Senators and Officers present: Anderson, Annen, Argyriou, Beckum, Botsford, Brennan, Cordero, Hanna, Larson, Lee-Klawender, Maynard, McNamara, Mjelde Nickel, Norte, Roberts, Schaffer, Setziol, Stockwell, Swanner, and Tao
Senators and Officers absent: Glapion, Goodwin, Hertler, Lathers, Nengo, Shah, and Singh
District Senate President: Alex Kramer
DASB: Isabel Barientos Vargas Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison: Rich Schroeder Guests: Jonathan Mai
SLO coordinators:
Curriculum Co Chair:
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:32, a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
The notes of October 26h were approved as distributed with minor editing.
II. Needs and Confirmations: John Walton was confirmed for service on the Facilities Committee. Guillermo (Willie) Hernandez was confirmed for service on the District Hardware and Sofware Standards Committee. Alex Giardino was confirmed for service on the Jesus Quintero Tenure Review Committee.
III. ASCCC Resolutions: District Senate President Alex Kramer led the group through selected Fall Session resolutions. The idea was primarily to present some that appear to the officers to be salient to the De Anza Executive Committee and point to the existence of others. The ones presented will be discussed during the November 9th meeting and others can be if individuals desire. At a minimum, Transfer Degree, 50% Law, CLASS, Early Assessment, Accelerated Learning College, and Library TTP resolutions will be discussed. Judy Mowrey was suggested as a knowledgeable person who could be asked to be present to discuss ramifications of the resolution regarding library funding.
IV. Senate President’s Update: Argyriou mentioned topics and issues addressed in Campus Budget and the SSPBT, and Lee-Klawender covered what transpired at the College Council meeting. Items of note were 1) determining the level of service to be expected given various levels of grounds keeper staffing and 2) the filling of higher level classes suggests the possibility of a trend towards more “college ready” students. Also, at the College Council meeting, it was announced that the students are starting over in their search for a new college mascot and that finalists for the position of District Chancellor will be announced soon.
V. IPBT Update: After Lee-Klawender and Argyriou made further presentations and explanations of the handout referred to as “Option One/Option Two” several offerings and concerns were expressed. Given the focus of the document on the basic mission of the college, reconsidering administrative positions for possible cutting was suggested. Also noted was the notion that Counseling 100 and a variety of student success type items did not seem to fit conveniently into the rubric and, therefore, the possibility of creating a student success category was suggested. In several places, the idea of judging courses and programs on the basis of student population served came up. Setziol and others objected to the suggestion that productivity be given significant weighting in a discussion of programmatic priority given the context of discussions being adherence to the college mission.
VI. Budget Reductions: The previous item largely overlapped with this topic. Argyriou presented a document on budget cutting philosophy prepared for the College Council which was characterized as largely coming from the Statewide Academic Senate with practical applicability suggested by the officers.
VII. Wrap Up: Senators were reminded to tell the constituents about the Fall Session resolutions and solicit feedback as appropriate.
VIII. Good of the Order and Announcements: There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:29.