The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
November 30th, 2009
Senators and Officers present: Anderson, Annen, Argyriou, Beckum, Botsford, Brennan, Cordero, Glapion, Goodwin, Hertler, Hanna, Larson, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Maynard, McNamara, Mjelde, Nickel, Norte, Roberts, Schaffer, Setziol, Stockwell, Swanner, and Tao
Senators and Officers absent: Shah, and Singh Nengo,
District Senate President: Alex Kramer
DASB: Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison: Rich Schroeder Guests: Jackie Reza
SLO coordinators: Jim Haynes, Colleen Lee-Wheat
Curriculum Co Chair:
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:34, a quorum being present.I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
Approval of the notes of November 23rd was held over owing to a distribution problem.
II. Needs and Confirmations: There were no confirmations. [NOTE: after the meeting Bob Stockwell was confirmed by mail for service on the Educational Master Plan Committee.]
III. Senate President's Update: Argyriou was brief because no decisive meetings had occurred since the meeting of November 23rd. She mentioned that the Chancellor’s Advisory Council meeting was dominated by a non agenda happening – a potential vote of no confidence in the Foothill College President.
The Foothill Academic Senate discussed the notion of a vote of no confidence. She also mentioned that more details would come under Item XI.
IV. MSA Statement: Stockwell spoke to a new draft of the statement distributed at the November 23rd meeting. During discussion, a new idea was presented, the idea of an all constituency collaboration aimed at getting the governor and the legislature to understand the effects of budget cuts on historically underrepresented and disadvantaged groups and the necessity for the state to commit to serving this population. After a considerable discussion it was MSC(Stockwell/Roberts) to accept the Multicultural Staff Association document and use it to inform future policy regarding budget cuts.
V. Definition of Outcomes: Jim Haynes and Colleen Lee-Wheat presented. Their purpose was to introduce the next phases of work in the Student Learning Outcomes area and to try out different ways of organizing and characterizing the work..
VI. Definition of Program for SLOs : As has been the case for Program Review and other college processes, the lack of a standard for what constitutes a program
creates a problem for organizing the work on SLOs for programs.
VII. Relationship of SLOs to College Planning Process: In an attempt to organize the SLO phenomenon hierarchically, Haynes and Lee-Wheat presented a division of the college into four areas. Some comments prompted Haynes to remind the group that the presentation was a starting point for discussion and, if an organization into, say, three areas differently drawn than what was presented, it would be fine by them. The rest of the presentation dealt with ways to organize a process aimed at getting SLO review into the program review and College budgeting process.
VIII. Senator Reports on Division Budget Discussions: The item began shortly after the normal time for adjournment. It as MSCU(Hanna/Goodwin) to extend the meeting for five minutes. It was apparent that not all faculty were allowed to discuss what to reduce in the budget of the division. The most salient outcome of discussion was the well received idea that division deans should be required to send to faculty whatever they turn in as coming from the division.
IX. Budget Reductions: The item was held over.
X. Wrap Up: The officers distributed a multi page document titled “Academic senate Guidelines for Budget Reductions.
XI. Good of the Order and Announcements: Argyriou announced that the formal consideration of a vote of no confidence by the Foothill Academic Senate did not occur. Instead, that group drafted a “Bill of Particulars”. The ramifications of such a vote will need to be discussed regardless of the outcome of the Foothill Senate's deliberations.
- An event called “Party Poetry Night” December 2nd was announced via a flyer.
- Evening students and faculty are about to be surveyed regarding the proposal to change starting and ending times for evening classes.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:43