General Meeting Information
Date: November 8,
Time: 2:00
Location: Zoom and MLC 255
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00 Welcome and Introductions I/D Wallace 2:10 Budget Proposal I/D Chung-Tabangcura 2:30 Time-sensitive committee report-backs
- Accreditation Update
I/D Garcia 2:50 Discussion about PAC Representation I/D Wallace 3:20 November and December Meetings I/D Wallace 3:25 Good of the Order I/D All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Called to order: 2:05
Sarah Wallace, Adriana Garcia, Tracy Chung-Tabangcura, Blaine Agustin, Adam Contreras, Alysa Ngo, Deborah Armstrong, Jared Camacho, Claudia Guzman, Bidya Subedi, Maritza Arreola, Dennis Shannakian, Andrea Santa Cruz, Susan Ho, Elizabeth Jenson, Iman Seale, Pippa Gibson, Thomas Bailey, Mary Medrano, Maria Hernandez, Nathaly Aguilar, Andre Meggerson, Juan Diaz, Vins Chacko
Meeting Items
Welcome and Introductions
Budget Proposal
Budget report from Tracy, Voluntary Dues current balance is 13,263.99, though available amount is $12,000 due to some being allocated for student support fund. Recommends maintaining a balance of $5,000. The use of this money is more flexible than the B budget
Maria suggested donating meal tickets from dining services for forster youth, something that has been done in the past. Debee suggested sending an email to all staff explaining how the voluntary payroll deduction works, and where to find the form. Also suggested looking into using PayPal to solicit more donations.
B budget is currently roughly $5,000
Time-Sensitive Committee Report-Backs
Facilities master plan intends for a new art building to be built near the L quad. The Measure G presentation made at the board meeting does not include funding for replacement of the A quad
Accreditation update - Writing leads are meeting on Nov 10 to cover what Mallory's expectations are and to answer questions about the process.
Discussion about PAC Representation
We have 5 seats to fill for the PAC. Of the 5, suggestion is to have one representative be a member of the executive committee, one be a senator, and the other three are up for discussion. The plan is to have roles or positions be identified, and then find the "people" after that. This will allow for succession planning and more easily identifiable spots to fill.
November and December Meetings
December 13 meeting will be a social gathering for all classified staff to attend. Will be catered by dining services, and may include a cookie exchange
Good of the Order
- Blaine provided an update on Native American heritage month committee and planned events
- Debee reported that academic senate is also struggling to failry decide how to assign people for PAC
- Adriana thanked individuals for attending the bylaws gathering last week
Official Meeting Adjourns
Adjourned: 3:15pm