The below reosultion was approved on June 23, 2020 by unanimous vote of the Classified Senate.

De Anza Classified Senate

Resolution in Support of Our Black Colleagues and Students

A Resolution of the De Anza Classified Senate to declare that the lives and minds of our Black Colleagues and Students matter, and that we as Senate can address the inequities in our institution through collaborative efforts to dismantle systems, policies, and procedures that negatively impact people of color.

Whereas, the Classified Senate is in a unique position to reach across different sectors of Classified Professionals to create lasting change that aligns with our college mission of equity while amplifying the voices of our Black colleagues and students;

Whereas, the Classified Senate, while previously supporting equity, recognizes that we have not done enough to truly create positive, meaningful outcomes for our campus as it relates to the Black Lives Matter movement;

Whereas, we recognize that we have the resources necessary to acknowledge and help dismantle systemic racism in our institution;

Whereas, we acknowledge the unique importance of our role as we represent Classified Professionals in Student Services, Mental Health and Campus Police;

Whereas, we recognize that our past workshops and learning opportunities have not addressed systemic racism;

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved That

  • Classified Senate will restructure our Professional Development Committee in a co-chair model where one seat will be specifically designated as Equity Co-Chair.
  • Classified Senate will restructure our training and workshop opportunities so that at least 20% of our offerings in any school year will focus on conversations leading to actionable items regarding race, inequities, and ways to eliminate institutional racism.
  • Classified Senate will reinvigorate workshops to incorporate training that ensures our Classified Professionals know who to call and how to direct students who express hunger, homelessness, mental health issues and other situational experiences.
  • Classified Senate will collaborate with campus groups to create a resource bank for Classified Professionals in appropriate response to situations that may require additional help.
  • Classified Senate will solicit, integrate and amplify the voices of our Black colleagues and students for workshops, activities and other events, as well as for processes of institutional change.
  • Classified Senate commits to assessing and evaluating our efforts and progress twice yearly at our December and June Senate Meetings.
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