General Meeting Information
Date: May 13,
Time: 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2 p.m. Introduction: Welcome and Conocimiento I Alicia Cortez 2:05 p.m. President Search Discussion – Website with Final Candidates D Melissa Aguilar 2:30 p.m Equity Champion Awards Update – Nomination Form I Erick Aragon 2:40 p.m. Emergency Fund for Students - Website
I Lisa Mandy , Director of Financial Aid 2:55 p.m. Student Wage Policy I/D
Geneieve Kolar, DASB Trustee 3:10 p.m. EAC Governance Structure - Survey I Alicia Cortez 3:20 p.m. Announcements
- Upcoming Equity Trainings
- Equity Certification Training for Classified Professionals
- Student Voices for Change
D Erick Aragon 3:25 p.m. Appreciations
D All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Presente: Mylinh Pham, Angélica Esquivel, Melissa Aguilar, Erick Aragon, Deborah Taylor, Carmen Lizardi-Folley, Danny Acosta, Alicia Cortez, Edmundo Norte, Harrington Fan,
Guests: Cynthia Kaufman, Tony Santa Ana, Sandy Cardoza, Andrew Phelps, Adriana Garcia, Elvin T. Ramos, Mallory Newell,
Absent: Genevieve Kolar, Nga Nguyen
Meeting Items
Welcome and Check in With Participants
President Search Discussion – Website with Final Candidates
We still have the opportunity to share our feedback. Please gather information, we look at the selection sessions and videos, please look into the internet. And then email Judy Miner your feedback. The consultant works with the hiring committee and will gather feedback from all of us and make a recommendation to the board, the board will be making final determination. See videos here:
What were your impressions? See below.
Wei Zhou - there were technical difficulties, you can tell English was not his first language, and felt we might need to give him another chance
Bryan Reese- straight drive, his confidence is good dealing with our senior staff, knowledgeable, social justice based, clear and specific responses, collaborative. He talked to the equity context and has been part of the California Community College and talked about state equity initiatives, he talked the talk and did his homework about FHDA, he spoke the language of education, higher education and equity. We were not so sure if he was genuine, we are used to administrators that talk and don’t always walk the talk.
Lloyd Homles has a lot of warmth - inclusive and transparent, heart and compassion, his answers were more organic, very relational, a lot of student services experience and instructor at undergraduate and graduate work. Lloyd Holmes, the adjustment for him is that he was coming from the East coast and many questions were very California centric such as AB705. Classified felt heard, felt him as a leader and was genuine about it. A favorite quote is something along the lines of “You wouldn’t know if I care, until you know I care” and “You won’t care what I think until you know that I care,” or “You don’t care what I know until you know that I care.”
Interested in knowing how they bridge campus work with community social issues sich as houselessness, transportation, undocumented students. And what are they really like to work with on a day to day basis? And how do they navigate the contradictions?
Emergency Fund for Students - Lisa Mandy
Students are experiencing more hardships than normal, I am very humbled from their application and my heart goes out to them. We are filing an injunction and lawsuit against Betsy Devos for interpreting law per her prerogative
You can get emergency funding if the Covid 19 has impacted you. Technology is one item. I am looking for language regarding food insecurity. Housing is a little harder for us. It’s hard to come to an agreement defining housing
Can we come up with a definition as a campus for housing and/or houselessness?
We have given out $200K + so far in emergency funds to students. We received $3.5 million from the CARES Act. We have set aside to set aside funding for undocumented and international students. We have 1 year to spend this money. During the lawsuit, we will continue to distribute the monies. It is just a slow process. Students do not qualify if they only had online classes as of their enrollment on March 16th. Through the CARES Act, we cannot assist Fall 2020 students, it is only to support Winter 2020 students. The rules keep changing in the last 45 days.
Cant imagine we are the only ones suing. I believe the UC system is also suing. I am participating in gatherings with other financial aid organization and having similar conversations
If they rcvd monies through title 8 financial aid and they receive it through bank mobile. I have to check a lot of boxes before they can actually receive the award. The Mondays are the disbursement dates. The checks are issued on Tuesday and then mailed out. We are using the set aside monies that benefits ab540, int’l students and some us citizens (who did file a FAFSA)
If 100% online as of March 16th then they cannot benefit from emergency funds under cares act but yes under her set aside monies
All of these funds they do not have to pay back.
I am allowed to take some of that work study monies to put into another grant, if they are title 4 eligible
Recommendations for the website were provided. The website has been updated 3 times already.
- Make it clearer for criteria.
- Make it transparent that undocumented students qualify.
- Kudos to Lisa Mandy for her work at the financial aid office.
A concern from students is that students are not getting a response fast enough with total consideration that financial aid has limited capacity.
Students can apply for emergency funds here: Student Application for Emergency Funds
Added another $100K from the foundation to the emergency funds
Equity Champion Awards Update – Nomination Form
There are 22 nominations. Deadline is May 16, 2020.
EAC Governance Structure - Survey
When we begin the restructural of this governance group. We placed the length of the time as of 2 years. We need to place on the academic senate for 2 faculty seats and we need to place it in the classified senate. There are no term limits but they still need to go through the process.
Hopefully, it will be easier to participate in shared governance under the new leadership.
Hyon Chu cannot participate in EAC meetings because she has ICC meetings on the same days and times.
Student Wage Policy - student rep had to step out
- HEFAS Summit - Website
- Institutional Courage Website
- Some of our students do not have technology and or smart phones. Some students did not get the campus wide message that the campus was closed
- Late start classes - Website - available so students can tap into resources. Its hard to follow up with students that would come into the lab. Hot Spots were being sent to students who did not have internet at home
- Resources- Food Pantry Cards
An Idea per Edmundo: Like to propose that we look at developing (as an offshoot of EAC) a Rapid Response structure/network through which we can: 1) Identify needs/issues, 2) Identify those who could best respond to these, 3) Meet/communicate with those with need (or representatives) and those who can respond, 4) Take action and communicate to close the loop.
Affirmations and Appreciations