General Meeting Information

Date: February 7, 2018
Location: ADM 106

  • Agenda

    Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    Review Minutes from December 13 I/D All
    Review Accreditation Process I/D All
    SLO Signature Form I/D All
    Review Current Value Statements for College I/D All
    Review CCCCO's Vision for Success


    • Person 1
    • Person 2
    • Person 3
    • Person 4

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Minutes

    Attendees: Mallory Newell, Mae Lee, Diana Alves De Lima, Pam Grey, George Robles, Lorna Maynard, Karen Chow, Mary Pape, Marisa Spatafore, Christina Espinosa-Pieb

    The group reviewed the minutes from the December 13th meeting.

    The group reviewed the status of our accreditation process in that we will need to submit a mid-term report October 2021. We will be required to respond to the three Recommendations and the  Quality Focus Essay:

    Recommendation 1: In order to meet the Standard, the College should regularly assess all course, program, and institution-level SLOs and report the findings of articulated learning outcomes and ensure the College documents the use of the assessment of these outcomes for improvement and planning. (Standards I.B.1, I.B.2., I.B.4, I.B.5, I.C.1-3, II.A.1-3, II.B.3, II.C.2)

    Recommendation 2: In order to meet the Standard, the College should ensure that in every class section students receive a course syllabus that includes learning outcomes from the institutions officially approved course outline. (Standards II.A.2, II.A.3)

    Recommendation 3: In order to meet the Standard and comply with federal regulations in distance education courses as defined in CFR 602.3, the College should implement processes and structures to ensure regular and substantive interaction with the instructor and initiated by the instructor. (Standard II.A.1, Commission Policy on Distance and Correspondence Education)

    The group discussed the removal of the SLO signature form that was included in the Follow-up. The senate first discussed the signatory form on the curriculum form at their January 28th, 2019 meeting and then it was voted to be removed at the February 4, 2019 meeting. The CPC discussed that a new process will need to be in place before the midterm report.

    The group then reviewed the current value statements for the college. The group agreed that the values should be taken to the shared governance groups and feedback collected on them via a wordle to create another word cloud similar to the mission review process. The group agreed that the ICCs as a value statement as well as part of the mission is redundant.

    Then discussed the CCCCO’s Vision for Success goals template and how the VfS metrics currently align with the colleges current institutional metrics. At the next meeting the group will work on setting the VfS goals and reducing aligning our current institutional metrics to these new goals.

    The next meeting will be on March 14, 2019.

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