General Meeting Information

Date: December 1, 2022
Time: 1:30-3 p.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-1:35 p.m. Welcome and introductions I/D All
    1:35-1:40 p.m. Approval of minutes I/D/A All
    1:40-1:45 p.m. Reminder on equipment theft protection I Hadsell
    1:45-1:55 p.m. Update on Bookstore security protocols I Hadsell
    1:55-2 p.m. Update on HyFlex classrooms I Pape/Grey/Ray
    2-2:05 p.m. Update on syllabus repository I Diaz
    2:05-2:15 p.m. Accreditation update I/D Pape/Spatafore
    2:15-2:50 p.m. Tech Plan updates I/D All
    2:50-3 p.m.

    Standing updates

    • Accessibility
    • Banner Student
    • ETS
    • ETS Project Scheduling
    • Online Education Advisory Committee



    • All
    • Galoyan
    • Hadsell
    • Grey
    • Ray/Garrido

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Stephanie Anderson, Raymond Brennan, Francis Chan, Juan Diaz, Brandon Gainer, Nazy Galoyan, David Garrido, Pam Grey, Jory Hadsell, Shri Lakshmanan, Sharon Luciw, Cheryl Owiesny, Mary Pape (tri-chair), Thomas Ray, Eren Sanglam, Iman Seale (notes), Dennis Shannakian (tri-chair), Marisa Spatafore (tri-chair)

    Welcome and introductions

    Galoyan and the DASG student representatives introduced themselves to one another. Members of the committee also introduced themselves as a refresher. 

    Approval of minutes

    The November minutes were approved. 

    Reminder on equipment theft protection

    Hadsell shared some best practices for protecting oneself from equipment theft. Best practices include:

    • Don’t leave equipment unattended in vehicles, even for a short period of time. If this absolutely cannot be avoided, it is better to keep devices out of sight in the trunk of your vehicle.
    • When storing sensitive data, it is better to store it in a secure district cloud environment rather than directly on the hard drive.
    • Ensure that devices are password protected.


    Hadsell mentioned that there will be additional reminders and messaging going out to the district about this.

    Luciw spoke about the procedures for reporting a stolen device, which may vary depending on the situation, data and other factors. Luciw noted that Office 365 and external storage devices with automatic backups as good ways of protecting ones data. Luciw also warned about ransomware. Hadsell added that this may include things like travel notifications and shipping notifications. Shannakian shared another tip – power down devices completely when storing or traveling with them so they can’t be detected by others, even when out of sight.

    Spatafore and Seale agreed to add info about this to the next employee Quick Notes as well as a MyPortal announcement for students. Hadsell and/or Luciw will provide some language on this to Seale.

    Update on Bookstore security protocols

    Hadsell shared background information about the security issue with Follett’s system for financial aid payment via their online store. Previously, a CWID could be entered without any security checks to pay with financial aid. A student (Zain Mustafa) flagged the issue in an ETAC meeting. There’s no evidence the system was abused but action needed to be taken after the vulnerability was exposed. This did not affect in-person purchases. The new system is more secure and user-friendly. It takes students to a single sign-on page to enter their MyPortal login credentials in order to pay with financial aid in the Bookstore’s online store. The payment option is expected to return imminently.

    Update on HyFlex classrooms

    Grey shared updates on HyFlex implementation in different rooms on campus. Grey and Ray noted that rooms in phase one will be handled first followed by those in phase two. They are planning to add more Zoom pods and acoustics (e.g. Fireside Room) to allow for more Zoom-friendly areas for students.

    Lead time for the higher end equipment and technology in HyFlex rooms is as long as 12 months. Less advanced tech does not have as long a lead time.

    Pape asked about use of Meeting Owls in classrooms. Ray noted that requests for these should go through deans. Committee members discussed the efficacy of the Owls for hybrid meetings. Spatafore suggested a check out system as the college community becomes more familiar with the technology. Grey noted that this might be possible.

    Update on syllabus repository

    Diaz shared the new syllabus repository. The repository is now within the De Anza College UI, relocated from an external site. Before, only Online Education had access to the repository system. Now, access can be granted to others to upload syllabi. The new repository also integrates with the catalog. If a syllabus is available, a download link for it will appear on its respective catalog course listing page.

    Pape asked whether individual faculty could be given access to upload their syllabi. Diaz stated that individuals would have to email the web team to request access to the internal dashboard and repository. Pape also asked whether individuals would have to take down their old syllabi themselves if they made edits. Diaz stated that the newly uploaded syllabus would automatically replace the old one within the same term. Galoyan asked whether old syllabi would still be retained for record purposes and Diaz confirmed that old syllabi are retained in the repository.

    Spatafore stated that first steps are to get deans in the loop and then work on communicating more widely in the new year about this.

    Accreditation update

    Spatafore shared a draft of Standard III – the assigned section for the Tech Committee. Today is the deadline for the first draft. Spatafore highlighted areas where she will need additional information from Hadsell, as well as other areas and sources.

    Tech Plan updates




    Goal 1: Increase Overall Student Access to Technology for Learning and Services

    Includes but not limited to the provision of laptops for students, and other devices as necessary; software and software as a service (SAAS) as appropriate, both required and that would enhance the student experience; continuous technical improvement of communications resources including the website, app and portal; and classroom equipment to support student learning and engagement in evolving modalities, with classroom needs documented through updated classroom standards, program review and the Facilities Condition Assessment

    • Improvements to syllabus repository (Diaz)
    • De Anza is in the process of moving to a new Self-Service Banner system which will result in a new and improved experience for student registration (Galoyan). The Office of Communications is working on a video that will outline the new system.
      • Completely different interface with better ADA compliance, more features
      • Expected to be an overall better interface visually and functionally; students who have been involved with testing have agreed (Galoyan)
    • Improvements to financial aid payment option in the Bookstore online store

    Goal 2: Increase and Enhance Faculty and Staff Professional Development and Training

    Includes but not limited to robust training and related communication about the trainings based on faculty and classified professional feedback, including to holistically improve online pedagogy and pedagogy in the use of technology tools, including in evolving modalities and accessibility training

    • There will be news on Online Education hires soon. This process is ongoing.
    • There are ongoing security training modules. These are monthly modules that usually take around five minutes to complete. (Hadsell)

    Goal 3: Continue Work to Ensure Accessibility

    Includes but not limited to implementation of SAAS to support an equitable teaching and learning environment; researching strategies and emerging technologies and implementing as appropriate; ongoing ensuring of accessibility in instructional and communications tools

    • Developments with new (forthcoming) registration interface
    • There were updates made to MyPortal to bring the portal up to date to improve accessibility (Hadsell)

    Goal 4: Enhance Communication and Collaboration with ETS to Achieve Evolving Priority College Objectives

    Strategy to include monthly small-group meetings of Tech Committee and ETS leadership, with updates as requested, on college-identified priorities including but not limited to

    • Ubiquitous, functioning Wi-Fi, including on Athletics fields and in parking lots
    • Upgraded technology for employees, including shorter personal technology refresh cycle of three years, as appropriate
    • Improving communication, including of system and software availability and changes
    • Development and support of peripheral loan program to address additional needs, such as doc cams, iPads for whiteboards, etc.
    • College-identified projects that
      • Directly affect student success or the student experience, particularly timely requests via expert administrators
      • Address regulatory issues
    • Ongoing collaboration. Examples include recent Bookstore security protocol fix and accreditation document.

    Standing updates


    Ongoing improvements to processes.

    The current ETS accessibility webpage is outdated. Hadsell is working collaboratively to update this. The new page will also link to the individual college accessibility pages.

    Banner Student

    Ongoing work with implementing Self-Service Banner 9. There are updates to the employee SSB 9 system. Galoyan is requesting faculty, and possibly staff, volunteers for localization of the new system.

    Another college was a victim of a cyber attack that affected their Canvas, website, etc. This news and update was shared by Chien. (Shannakian)

    Shannakian brought up the forthcoming upgrades to OmniUpdate. Diaz reported that ETS staff will set up a test environment in preparation for the cloud migration and update.

    Online Education 

    Garrido confirmed that the group hasn’t met yet and won’t plan to until the Online Ed staff are in place.


    Hadsell reported that external email flagging has now rolled out. The flagging system is powered by AI which should improve as time goes on.

    In ETAC, they are reviewing the Computer Network Use Policy.

    There is a work group convening about improving the employee preferred name system. There is ongoing work on this.

    As part of the SAAS version of Banner, ETS is looking at replacing the portal with a tool called Elucian Experience. It’ll have similar tiles but will allow for integration of more functional tools, better user control, improved opportunities for college branding and more.

    ETS Project Scheduling

    Luciw shared that ETS is almost caught up on the backlog of employee refreshes.

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