
To share state budget, district budget and college budget information with constituency representatives


The Campus Budget Team is an advisory body to College Council. The role and responsibilities of Campus Budget include:

  • Present state, district and college budget information for campus review
  • Communicate and disseminate annual and quarterly budget reports and updates for campus review
  • Present overall budget picture to College Council
  • Summarize the fiscal impact of statewide and districtwide initiatives to College Council
  • Communicate with constituencies
  • Share information from the District Budget Advisory Committee

Ground Rules

  1. Each member will honor the topics and times of the meeting agenda; agendas and materials will be distributed in advance and all members will be prepared to participate fully in the entire meeting
  2. Each member will present issues completely, accurately, honestly and without bias, using authentic primary sources of data and not selectively withholding information
  3. Each member will encourage full and open participation by all participants and will demonstrate a respect for and willingness to listen to diverse opinions and viewpoints
  4. Each participant will practice "active" listening skills in order to avoid pre-formulated responses, interruptions, and sidebar conversations
  5. Each member will govern his/her interpersonal behavior on the basis of mutual respect and trust for one another and will avoid personal attacks, physical and verbal intimidation, asserting authority of position, and "negative talk"
  6. Each participant will work to bring issues to closure both within the team and within the decision making process.Each member will maintain the respect of the team discussions and will demonstrate support for consensus decisions of the team within and outside of the team meetings

Each team member is empowered and responsible for enforcing these ground rules.


The following are guiding principles for the budget planning and development process at De Anza College.

  1. That the shared governance processes through the Planning & Budget Teams will guide the budget process
  2. The budget processes will be guided by institutional mission; institutional core competencies; strategic initiatives; educational and facilities master plan and program review data.
  3. That monies earned from the De Anza enterprise centers remain on the De Anza campus
  4. That unexpended funds carry over
  5. That budget planning will be based on a multi-year cycle
  6. That clear, concise information dissemination will occur


  • Reading and understanding banner reports
  • Reading and understanding annual and quarterly reports

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