Page 163 - Course_Catalog_2020-2021
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C D 72 Partnerships with Families in Early 3 Units Childhood Education
Prerequisite: C D 10G or PSYC 10G (may be taken concurrently) and C D 50 (may be taken concurrently).
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours lecture (36 hours total per quarter).
This course examines key principles and effective approaches in joining with and involving families in promoting children's learning, development, and success in early childhood education settings.
(This course meets NAEYC Standard 2; NBPTS Generalist Standard VII; CEC/ DEC Standard 10; and CA Early Childhood Competencies: Family and Community Engagement, and Relationships, Interaction and Guidance.)
C D 73 Early Childhood Mental Health 3 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours lecture (36 hours total per quarter).
Examination of mental health milestones at each stage of a child’s development. Overview of psychological theory in infant/early childhood mental health. Assessment and screening to identify early childhood mental health challenges. Implementation of mental health interventions and strategies. An exploration of how early experiences in the first five-years of life can impact the physical and psychological development and well-being of children throughout the lifespan.
(This course meets National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning; Standard 3: Observing, Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Early Childhood/General Standards, 2nd Ed. Standard I: Understanding Young Children, Standard III: Assessment, Standard VI: Multiple Teaching Strategies for Meaningful Learning; and Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education: Standard 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners, Standard 4 Instructional Strategies.) California Early Child Educators Competencies: Relationships, Interactions,and Guidance and Preschool Learning Foundations Vol 1- Child Development.)
C D 74 Early Childhood Mental Health 3 Units Seminar and Fieldwork
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory (60 hours total per quarter).
Provides an overview of different approaches to early identification and intervention with children and their families and will help students develop basic support skills for use in dealing with high-risk families, including those with exceptional emotional, social, or physical needs.
(This course meets National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standard 3, Standard 4b; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Early Childhood/Generalist Standard I, III, VI, IX; and Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Content Standards, Standards 4, 5 and 8.)
Offers an in-depth exploration of a special topic, issue or trend in the early childhood education field. It involves researching of a topic of interest to the student. Research may include a review of the literature, interviews and other fieldwork such as exploring community resources or investigating a common teaching practice for effectiveness. Meets the variable needs of students, the early childhood industry and community, and responds to a current issue, technique, or discourse.
(This course meets NAEYC Standard 4c, Understanding Content Knowledge in ECE and Standard 5, Becoming a Professional; NBPTS Standards IX, Reflective Practice; and DEC-CEC Standard 9 Professional & Ethical Practice; ECE Competencies Professionalism.)
All courses are for unit credit and apply to a De Anza associate degree unless otherwise noted.
C D 75
Social Emotional Development in
3 Units
Prerequisite: C D 10G (or PSYC 10G) and C D 60.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours lecture (36 hours total per quarter).
Expands upon a student’s ability to work effectively with all children in early childhood programs and more specifically with infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities and other special needs in inclusive environments. Focus will include theories, research, and practical applications of best practices from both the fields of Early Childhood Education and Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education. Students will learn to design practical and effective intervention strategies for individual children with special needs within the context of natural environments and will learn to work in collaboration with IFSP/IEP teams.
(This course meets NAEYC Standards 1a, 1c, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3d, 4b; CEC/DEC Standards CC3-K4, CCK-5, CC4-S1-6, EC4-S1-3, CC5-K3, CC5-S1-5; and NBPTS Standards 2 and 4; California Early Childhood Educator Competencies: Competency Area 7: Performance Areas: 1-4; California Interagency Coordination Council in Early Intervention, Early Intervention Assistant level competencies.)
C D 76
Trauma and Early Childhood
4 1/2 Units
Early Childhood
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours lecture (36 hours total per quarter).
Social emotional development and how peer, family, gender, teachers and society influence this development. The impact of variations in development on learning and life outcomes.
(This course meets National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards 1a, 1b, 1c, 2b, 4a; Council for Exceptional Children/ Division for Early Childhood Standards CC2-K1; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 1 and 4; the California Early Start Early Intervention Assistant competencies; and the California Personnel Competencies in Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health.)
C D 101W
C D 101X
C D 101Y
C D 101Z
Prerequisite: C D 10G or PSYC 10G (may be taken concurrently) and C D 50 (may be taken concurrently).
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
One hour lecture for each unit of credit (12 hours total for each unit of credit
per quarter).
This course is an in-service workshop for teachers, aides, and parent volunteers to increase awareness of contemporary professional issues in Child Development. Course topics will vary based on the contemporary issues in Child Development and professional practice in the field of education.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Four and one-half hours lecture (54 hours total per quarter).
Provides an overview of trauma-informed care in early childhood education, including the impact of trauma on the developing child, protective and resiliency factors, and the benefits and opportunities of partnering families. It explores the impacts of early childhood traumatic experiences on physical, cognitive, and psychological development throughout the lifespan.
(This course meets NAEYC Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning & Standard 3: Observing, Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families.)
(This course is aligned with California Early Childhood Educator Competencies 1, 2, 3 & 4. This course is aligned with California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health- Reflective Practice Facilitator I.)
C D 102W
Curriculum for Child Development Personnel
1 Unit
C D 77
C D 77W
C D 77X
C D 77Y
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and division dean.
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or (EWRT 1AS and EWRT 1AT) or ESL 5. Three hours laboratory for each unit of credit (36 hours total for each unit of credit per quarter).
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
One hour lecture for each unit of credit (12 hours total for each unit of credit
per quarter).
This course is an in-service workshop for teachers, aides, and parent volunteers to improve skills and knowledge in the area of curriculum for child development personnel. Course topics will vary depending on subject matter relating curriculum for child development personnel.
Special Projects in Child Development
1/2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units
C D 79
Implementation of Trauma Informed
4 1/2 Units
Care and Field Experience
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). An introduction to trauma informed care, approaches for implementation including the assessments of the program. This course will focus on trauma informed practices for administrators, teachers and parents. Students will use field placement to practice and develop skills.
C D 80 Design, Program Development, and 3 Units Daily Operation of Family Child Care
Prerequisite: C D 10G or PSYC 10G (may be taken concurrently) and C D 50 (may be taken concurrently).
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours lecture (36 hours total per quarter).
This course provides an overview of family childcare as a business and as a program for children. Starting your own childcare business, budget and contracts, licensing and safety requirements will be addressed. Relevant program issues such as designing indoor/outdoor environments, daily schedule, curriculum, child guidance, accommodations for all children, and parent partnerships will be presented. (This course meets NAEYC Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; NBPTS Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4; CCA Standards 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12.)
C D 90
Facilitating Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs: Intervention Strategies
3 Units
Current Issues in Child Development
1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units 4 Units
C D 102X
C D 102Y
C D 102Z
Prerequisite: C D 10G or PSYC 10G (may be taken concurrently) and C D 50 (may be taken concurrently).
2 Units 3 Units 4 Units