Assets and Snippets are useful items


Assets are pre-created bits of complete code that you can drop into your website. You do not have control over how they look or function. These can be photo galleries, forms, video or anything that cen be rendered on a website.

The point of an asset is to create a central item that can be used in many places. It keeps consistency and can be updated once and that change can populate to all pages where that asset resides. 

Example - Embedded Events Calendar



There are two types of snippets: Pre-Formatted HTML and Table Transformations. Each type has benefits and drawbacks.

Pre-formatted HTML

These are just bits of code that will show up as text in your editing area. They have already been styled, all you have to do is change the text to what you want it to say.

Example - 2-Column Link List

Table Transformations

These appear as tables, and you fill in certain cells with you information and when published, they turn into formatted text. These are less flexible than Pre-formatted HTML, but can help you do more complex things.

Example - Card

placeholder default text

Student Handbook

Everything you will need to know is right here.

Using Assets and Snippets

List of snippets approved for use.To use Assets or Snippets, select the appropriate button from the toolbar. The left one that looks like a puzzle piece is the Snippet button, the one with the two arrows is the Asset button.

The Snippet and Asset buttons from the JustEdit ToolbarEach button will bring up a list of either Assets or Snippets.

Adding Snippets

For Snippets, select Approved in the Categories dropdown. There are only a few that will work with your page templates. A 2 at the beginning of the snippet name means that it should be used on pages with two columns of space or more (not the 3-column layout). An R at the beginning of the name means that it should be used in the right (promo) bar. If there is nothing in front of it you can use it anywhere. Please do not use the snippets from other categories, as they will most likely not work well in your page.

Adding Assets

Assets are only for advanced users. There will probably be a training on creating assets in the future. Assets come in one of five formats:

  1. Web Content
    This is just content created in a WYSIWYG editor like you would on a page.

  2. Plain Text
    This is great for when you have a data point that is on multiple pages, but needs updating periodically.

  3. Source Code
    This is HTML code

  4. Image Gallery
    A collection of images for you to display on your site

  5. Form
    A way to collect information from visitors. Data can be emailed or added to a database

 Please consult with the WebTeam if you think you want to create an asset.

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