Creating a new section within your site will create a sub-site, complete with its own navigation. This may be useful for when you have special programs that operate through your department. You use the same green New button as you would for a new page, but select New Section.
Setting Up The New Section
You will be given a list of items to fill-out or decide upon when you create a new section. The below information will help you determine what you should do.
Folder Information
Folder Name
Choose a name that will be easy to remember. This will need to be lowercase and no spaces, use a hyphen instead of a space if you need.
Section Title
This is the proper title of the sub-site.
General Page Setup
This section sets the page information for the index (home) page of the new sub-site.
You can follow the same guidelines as on the Page Creation Options page with except you don't need to create a filename, as it will be index.pcf (html).
File Configuration
Add Navigation Item
Yes, unless you don't want this to be visible on your parent site's navigation.
Landing Page
Please choose the template you would like to use for the home page of the sub-site.
Index Page Options
Please leave these as they are.
After Creation
After you create the new section, you will be taken to the edit view of the index page. This is where you can begin editing your new sub-site.